Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications
Visit my Research Gate or Google Scholar page for the full list of my publications.
Sharad Agarwal, Emma Harvey, Enrico Mariconti, Guillermo Suarez-Tangil, Marie Vasek
‘Hey mum, I dropped my phone down the toilet’: Investigating Hi Mum and Dad SMS Scams in the United Kingdom
Accepted at the 34th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security’25).
[Accepted Paper] [Industry Mention]
Sharad Agarwal, Emma Harvey, Marie Vasek
Poster: A Comprehensive Categorization of SMS Scams
ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC ‘24).
[Extended Abstract] [Poster]
Sharad Agarwal, Gilberto Atondo Siu, Marilyne Ordekian, Alice Hutchings, Enrico Mariconti, Marie Vasek
Short paper: DeFi Deception — Uncovering the prevalence of rugpulls in cryptocurrency projects
International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC’23)
[Preprint] [Presentation] [Paper] [Dataset] [Blog]
Sharad Agarwal, Awais Rashid, Joseph Gardiner
Old MacDonald had a smart farm: Building a testbed to study cybersecurity in smart dairy farming
15th Cyber Security Experimentation and Test Workshop (CSET’22)
[Paper] [Presentation] [Talk]
Sharad Agarwal, Marie Vasek
Investigating the concentration of High Yield Investment Programs in the United Kingdom
IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW - WACCO’22)
[Paper] [Preprint] [Dataset] [Talk] [News Metion]
Sharad Agarwal, Pascal Oser, Stefan Lueders
Detecting IoT Devices and How They Put Large Heterogeneous Networks at Security Risk
Sensors MDPI, Volume 19, Issue 19, Pages 4107
[Paper] [Presentation] [Talk]
Other Publications
Sharad Agarwal, Pascal Oser, Hannah Short, Stefan Lueders
Internet of Things (IoT) Security
[Report] [Youtube]
Poster Presentations
Sharad Agarwal, Awais Rashid, Joseph Gardiner, Barnaby Craggs
Cybersecurity for Food Security (CyFoo)
PETRAS Securing the Future, Nov 2021
[Poster] [News Mention] [Talk]